Setelah menyimak video dari para expert, ternyata ada saatnya seorang leader harus mengambil keputusan sepihak. Ada pula saatnya keputusan yang diambil berdasarkan diskusi dan masukan dari anggota tim (fleksibel). Tentunya, sebelum memilih cara membuat keputusan, seorang pemimpin harus memiliki pertimbangan yang matang terlebih dahulu. MojadiFren, masih ingat penjelasan Expert Agung mengenai hubungan Segitiga Waktu-Biaya-Kualitas (Time-Cost-Quality Triangle) yang digunakan dalam mengambil keputusan? Bisakah kamu menjelaskan hubungan ketiga variabel itu (waktu-biaya-kualitas)? Tuliskan jawabanmu.
Ted W. Engstrom, former president of World Vision, used to tell a story about the governing board of a bank who chose a bright, charming, young man to succeed their retiring bank president. The young man came to the old man to ask for help.
The conversation began, “Sir, what is the main thing I must possess to successfully follow you as president of this bank?”
The crusty old man replied, “The ability to make decisions, decisions, decisions.”
“How can I learn to do that?” the young man asked.
“Experience, experience, experience,” replied the retiring president.
“But how do I get experience?”
The old man looked at him and said, “Bad decisions, bad decisions, bad decisions.”
It is as the old saying goes: experience gives the test first and the lesson later.
The acquisition of experience can be costly. But it’s not as costly as not gaining experience.
“Self-improvement 101” – What Every Leader Needs to Know by John C. Maxwell; Page 58